Zergling #3 : Unmanned Shoreline Surveyer Prototype
(This is part of ZERG project)
1. Purpose : Prototype model for unmanned shoreline surveyer which eventually become autonomous robot.
2. Basic design : Using NodeMCU as communication module to main PC and passing commands and responses to NANO or MEGA. Most of electronic and motor controls will be done NANO or MEGA, and NodeMCU will provide supplemental control and communication.
3. Communication Method :
PC <= using UDP, Wifi => NodeMCU <= Serial => NANO/MEGA
4. Current status : base communication and control model set.
Basic Main Parts
NANO with CJ-M49(HMC5883L) and motor control setting
Serial Cable from NANO to NodeMCU
Using cheap L298D Dual H-Bridge board as 5V power supplier and switch
I have mounted CJ-M49 on NANO expansion board
Now it is working. Code can be quite complex due to structure.
This is working sample.
I can control motors &Lgiht, while getting 3D-XYZ compass values.
It is still under development even now.
(After I have done this rather radical configuration,
I have notice that it is highly unstable.
I need to find out better way to make it works 100% as expected.)
Final Target :
(NodeMCU communication should be replaced with GSM or LTE communication
to reach far distance across the 3,000 islands of South Korea, my motherland)
Someday, it will roam around beautiful island like this.
(Hong-do Island's Beautiful Beach)
'Zerg Swam(English)' 카테고리의 다른 글
프로젝트 #3 저그 (Zerg) (0) | 2016.03.03 |